Les Grandes Vignes

There Vaillant family is above all a family story. The Estate of the Great Vines has been passed down from generation to generation since the 17th century. Today, we find ourselves at the head of the estate Jean-François And Laurence, sibling.
They are located in Thouarcé with 55 hectares of vines that span the Path and part of which is attached to the famous name Bonnezeaux. The Domaine Des Grandes Vignes cultivates several grape varieties typical of La Loire : THE Cabernet Franc, THE Grolleau, THE Pineau d'Aunis for the reds, the Chenin mainly for whites. Their plots are on different exposures and different types of soil: gray shale And green, phthanite, quartz, shelled falun, sand, rolled gravel...
The Vaillant family practices biodynamics Since 2008, to express the authenticity of the wines, they pay particular attention to the work in the vineyard. Biodynamics allows the Domaine des Grandes Vignes a global approach to the plant and the environment according to the influences that come from the earth, the air and the water. The vine flourishes in the best possible environment, which makes it less sensitive to parasites and makes it possible to limit the applications of Bordeaux mixture. The development of the microbial life of the soil is a priority so that the roots draw all the useful elements from the bedrock. Then, they promote the development of many annual and perennial herbs, which bring biodiversity favorable to the ecosystem. Domaine Des Grandes Vignes is also very attentive to the rhythm of the planets, this guides the work of the soil.
On the winemaking side, they intervene very little on the wines, no exogenous input. All the estate's vintages are without added sulfites, unfined and unfiltered with the exception of wines with residual sugars (2 to 3 mg/L of SO2). Attentive to the lunar calendar, they favor fruit days for racking and bottling.



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